Strike Action Wednesday 1st March 2023

Re Strike Action

In an update to my previous communication before the half-term break, a reminder that the NEU
have declared strike action, which will take place on the following dates:
· Wednesday 1st March 2023
· Wednesday 15th March 2023
· Thursday 16th March 2023

The continued strikes are happening because of a national dispute between the unions and the
government over teachers’ pay and not because of any issues at our school.

We are working closely with our staff union representatives to keep up to date with the situation.

Below are the updated arrangements for the 2nd strike day on Wednesday, 1st March:
– Years 7-10 will be provided online work via their Show My Homework portal. Any students
unable to access work online need to let us know as soon as possible so that year teams can
start to organise work packs to take home for the day. School WILL be closed for years 7-10,
12 and 13.

– School will be open for Year 11 only, and we expect attendance as normal for Year 11

– School will also be open for our most vulnerable students.

– School will provide packed lunches for all our Free School Meals students who are working
from home, should they require one.

Unfortunately, due to staffing numbers we are unable on this occasion to open for more than one
year group. We are hoping that for the 15th and 16th March dates, we will have a better idea of
numbers to allow more students on site.

*Please note, that teaching members of staff who are striking are not compelled to set work for
students therefore, some remote work will be generic and will be labelled: GENERAL in Show My
Homework. If there is no specific set work for a period on Show My Homework, they need to complete
this GENERAL work linking it to the subject scheduled on their timetable.

I am sorry that you will have to make alternative arrangements for your child at short notice, and/or
that they will experience disruption to their education. I understand that this situation may be
frustrating and ask that all members of our school community continue to treat each other with
respect. Fairfax Academy remains committed to providing a safe and secure environment for our
pupils and delivering high-quality teaching.

If you have any questions, please contact your child’s Head of Year via the details below.
Yours sincerely

Head of Year 7 Mrs Rose
Head of Year 8 Ms Ahmed-Lockley
Head of Year 9 Mrs Colbourne
Head of Year 10 Miss Dowell
Head of Year 11 Mr Sheppard

Head of Sixth Form Ms Gray
Assistant Head of Sixth Form Miss Sutton

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