Good News
Good News Archive 2019-20
For more Good News stories, head to our Facebook and Twitter pages.
Good News at Fairfax

Year 13 Results Day
13th August 2020
Fairfax students experienced an A Level results day with a difference as they visited the academy for the first time since March to collect their results. Deborah Bunn,Head of Academy, said, “We are all so incredibly proud of the maturity and resilience our students have shown during these unprecedented times. The last week, has no doubt, been a source of anxiety for many young people across the country and we are delighted to see so many of our students securing university places and going on to further education and training.” We were deeply disappointed that they finished their school career in March but look forward to celebrating with them at a later date, when it is safe to do so. We wish all our students all the best for the future.
Duke of Edinburgh Voluntary Service
15 July 2020
Congratulations to all our Duke of Edinburgh participants for their outstanding voluntary contributions!

14 July 2020

Welcome Back!
30th June
Ethan in Year 10 has taken part in a ’19-hour no-break’ computer gaming event to raise money for the British Red Cross.
Ethan raised a fantastic £220, which the Red Cross has pledged to use to support the NHS during the Covid 19 outbreak.
We are, as a school, incredibly proud of his achievements.
Well done Ethan!
24th June
During lockdown Fairfax students have been using their talents in a range of ways. Some of our students have been using some of their time improving their art skills.
This is a drawing completed by one of our amazing Year 12 students, Chloe.
Chloe doesn’t study art, but as you can clearly see she has lots of talent.
If you have been drawing during lockdown too, we would love to see your pictures.
If you haven’t, why don’t you try?
23 June
Well done to everyone who has developed their cooking skills during the lockdown. The photographs that have been sent to school are fantastic! Congratulations also to our well deserving Chefs Of The Week!

A positive return to the classroom
Thursday 18 June
Well done to all the students who recommenced their academic curriculum today! Students were excellent at following the guidelines and behaviour was of a really high standard. The teachers enjoyed seeing you all and look forward to seeing more students tomorrow!
#wearefairfax #makingfairfaxproud
Fairfax welcomes back Y12 students
It’s been wonderful to see so many of our year 12s return for their one-to-one meetings with our sixth form staff. The discussions have been around how they have coped during lockdown and we are so proud of the stories we are hearing. So many are telling us how they have been using our resources and researching the options for post 18 career choices.
We have really missed the daily interactions with our sixth form and are looking forward to welcoming students back to lessons next week.
The Sixth Form Team

Fairfax welcomes back Y10 students
It has been an absolute pleasure to see so many smiling faces from our year 10 students, returning to attend meetings with our pastoral team.
It has been pleasing to meet with Y10 students and share their lockdown experiences and we looking forward to seeing them in lessons over the next few weeks.
We also want to congratulate them on the high standards of behaviour and presentation students demonstrated on their return to school.
Supporting frontline staff
We are incredibly proud of how our students here at Fairfax, on a daily basis, show care and compassion for others. Here is one example of where one of our amazing students, Sarah Smith has taught herself to knit so she could make mask holders for our frontline workers to help protect their ears. The staff at NHS University Hospital Coventry were over whelmed by these when they received them. Well done Sarah on thinking of others first and making a positive difference.

Sutton Schools join forces
Read about how the Sutton schools came together to make vital PPE equipment for our local hospital and carehomes: