Feeling anxious and stressed about exams is completely normal.  There is a biology to it.  A small amount of stress releases hormones that enable us to send more blood to our brain.  They can motivate action and can be put into positive use.  You must put strategies in place now to help you prepare yourself for the inevitable stress that will happen.   It is easier to do it now than later…

However too much stress can have the opposite effect and stop you from functioning.  If  you feel your stress is becoming too much, speak to a friend, family member, teacher or tutor.

External places that can help

  • ChildLine free on 0800 11 11
  • Kooth
  • SupportLine Telephone Helpline on 01708 765200 or email info@supportline.org.uk
  • The Samaritans on 116 123

At Fairfax we promote learning and revision strategies within lessons that are scientifically proven to work. Below are some strategies that we promote, that are based on evidence and our past experience.

We have a range of revision advice for you to access in our Curriculum area, which you can find here: REVISION SUPPORT FOR STUDENTS 

Coping with Stress

Butterfly of Balance activity

This activity is helpful to identify things you can do to release the pressures of revision and exams.

Mind Space Tips for Exam Stress

5 minute Mindful Breathing Technique & a 15 Minute Mindfulness Relaxation Exercise.

Young Minds – staying well during revision and exams

Wellbeing advice from young people.

Yoga – Mindfulness

Useful Apps


My Fitness Pal or other fitness apps.

Keeping active is essential for a healthy mind.  This is just one app, there are many others that will monitor your runs / walks / cycles.  It is also essential that you make sure that you are fuelling your body with the right foods.


Does background noise effect your revision?  If so Noisli is designed to help you block out frustrating background noise, help get yourself in the zone and reduce stress.

Clockwork Tomato

This is a  time management app that uses a method that boosts productivity by breaking down work periods into 25-minute slices, separated by short breaks. This can be found on Google Store and Apple Store.