Fairfax ARKS
Fairfax ARKS are the behaviours we expect our students to display. All behaviours will be addressed under the four values/rules. Rewards and recognition will be awarded under the four values/rules, and students will work towards their ARKS badges to wear proudly on their uniform.

“Pupils in all year groups, including those in the sixth form, are regularly rewarded for displaying positive behaviours, engaging with additional academic activities and helping others in the community.”
Personal Development rated ‘Outstanding’, Ofsted 2024

What does ambition look like?
Being ambitious means:
- Working hard in lessons and being resilient when faced
with challenges - Participating in school life and contributing to your House
- Having good attendance and being punctual
- Wearing your uniform with pride and representing Fairfax
positively - Planning for your future and aiming high

What does being respectful look like?
Being respectful means:
- Demonstrating good manners to staff, students and
visitors - Looking after the school environment and keeping it tidy
- Responding to staff requests, the first time you are asked
- Speaking to people with courtesy and respect both in
school and the community - Being considerate of others’ personal space

What does kindness look like?
Being kind means:
- Accepting people for who they are, regardless of their
differences - Thinking of others’ feelings and being considerate of others’
points of view - Going above and beyond to help and support others, especially
those in need - Thinking about the impact your words will have, before
speaking - Remembering that if you would not say it face to face, you
should not say it online

What does safety look like?
Being safe means:
- Behaving sensibly on school site and in the community
- Following staff instructions, the first time you are asked
- Thinking about the risks before doing something
- Using technology sensibly and being safe online
- Telling an adult if something is worrying you