
Duke of Edinburgh

Welcome to the Fairfax Duke of Edinburgh web page. The D of E award has been an integral part of the school for over 50 years, with both the Duke of Edinburgh and Prince Edward visiting the school.

The requirements for each award will be detailed below but for more information please use the link to the D of E web site.

Welcome to The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award in the UK the awards are now online, so each student will have their own personal EDofE account to show their evidence for completing each section. This can be accessed from home and school and will be an integral part of any Duke of Edinburgh training.

For dates of the expeditions, please refer to the School Calendar.

Information Evening Presentations

You will need to complete the 4 sections of Volunteering, Skill, Physical and the Expedition.

Volunteering: this is where you give up your time to help someone or an organisation in the local community.

Ideas: Helping people, community, youth club, after-school clubs, and charity work.

Skill: learn or develop a new skill or personal interest.

Ideas: creative arts, performing arts, science & technology, music, life skills, learning or collecting, media & communication, games, umpiring & officiating.

Physical: take part in some type of physical or sporting activity.

Ideas: team & individual sports, rackets, water, dance, fitness, martial arts.

You cannot use the same activity for more than one section and learning a new sport does not count as a skill.

Each section must be completed for a minimum of 3 months with one of them continued for 6 months.

You will plan, train and learn all the skills needed to complete a 2 day/1 night expedition and then give a presentation related to the aim of your expedition. This can be verbal, power point or a poster describing the expedition and its aims.

There will be a practice walk in September (Cannock Chase)

Once all this is done and has been entered and approved on your personal eDofE account you will have your Bronze award and be ready to move onto Silver.

Training:  Bronze training is every Wednesday after school in the Hall or Gym and classrooms with individual trainers. Attendance at training is mandatory; failure to attend might mean that a student is withdrawn from the award.  If a student cannot attend carers/parents will need to supply the relevant trainer with a written note explaining why please.

Kit List

  • Boots: Make sure they fit and you have broken them in. Cotswold Outdoors/Go Outdoors have very helpful staff who can help you choose the right boots.
  • walking socks: 2-3 pairs: A thin liner sock may also help prevent blisters
  • Rucksack: This should be 60-65ltr.
  • Rucksack liner: You can buy “dry sacks” but a good strong bin liner (rubble sack) will do the job.
  • Sleeping bag: A 2-3 season bag, you should be able to get this into your rucksack and still get everything else in as well. One that packs down well and has compression straps would be ideal.
  • Sleeping mat: These will keep you warm and more comfortable (a small travel pillow is also useful)
  • Tent: Fairfax will provide small compact 2-3 man tents. If you wish to take you own it must be checked by D of E staff to make sure it is suitable.
  • Stove: There are lots of different types, but a simple gas stove is small and easy to use. You will only need one between two. You will also need a spare gas canister.
  • Cooking utensils: A pan, mug and “spork” (an all in one knife, fork and spoon)
  • Water bottle: At least 1ltr or a “camel back” type water bladder.
  • Waterproofs: A light but waterproof shell jacket & trousers. It will almost certainly rain at some point during your D of E expeditions.
  • Walking clothes: There are lots of different clothes on the market, but things that are light, comfortable and keep the wind out are the best.
  • First Aid kit: A small kit with some blister plasters.
  • Sun cream: This is absolutely essential. It may well be sunny and you will be out in it for the majority of the day.
  • Torch: Head torches are very useful when cooking and moving around the camp sites, but a hand held torch will suffice. You will need spare batteries just in case.
  • Hat/gloves: The April expeditions may be cold so a thin pair of gloves and a hat will be needed. If it is sunny and for the June/July expeditions a sun hat is essential.
  • Wash kit: Keep it small and light. You can get lots of travel toiletries that are small and therefore easily packed. Small travel towels or “baby wipes” are particularly useful.

The D of E web site has a kit list you can download.

Mr Hobbs’s Top Ten Tips

  1. Don’t take too much stuff: lay out all your kit on the floor a week before you go to camp and each day either take an item out or reduce its size/weight.
  2. Don’t take too much stuff: really cut the weight down, take the packaging off your food. Do you need a plate, bowl, knife, fork, and spoon? You can eat from your cooking pot, use a Spork.
  3. Clothes: one set for walking (both days) just change your socks and underwear. Another clean set for travelling home. Remember you are carrying all your stuff; you can’t leave anything back at camp.
  4. Food: fresh items will go off and tins are heavy and bulky. There are lots of dehydrated or boil in the bag meals available. If you want cereal in the morning pre pack it by putting it in a freezer bag with milk powder and just add water. The same for tea/coffee use powdered milk.
  5. Food: if you want to add some more flavour to your meals take salt/pepper and sauce sachets (the type that you get in fast food restaurants) and add them to your meals.
  6. Sweets & treats: keep some sweets/chocolate at easy reach and treat yourself during the day, it’s a good motivation and a useful form of energy release.
  7. Water: drinks lots, there is no need to take lots of small bottles of energy type drinks. Take a 1-2lt bottle or a hydration bladder; these are good as you can drink on the move and as such drink more during the day. If you want an energy drink use powdered sachets as it will save on weight.
  8. Boots: break them in –  use them as much as possible before you go to camp.
  9. Fitness: go for some walks before camp go out with your group and wear your new boots, walk to school (in your boots), get dropped off away from school and walk.
  10. Have Fun!


This will take place in year 11.

You can move onto Silver once you have completed your Bronze award. You will be able to continue with your Volunteering, Skill and Physical, but will need to spend a minimum of 6 months on each of the 3 sections plus an additional 3 months on one of the sections.

You will plan, train and learn all the skills needed to complete a 3 day/2 night expedition and then give a presentation on the aim of your expedition.

You will need to enter all of the evidence again into your eDofE account.

Training: Silver training will be during Tuesday lunchtimes.

Kit List

  • Boots: Make sure they fit and you have broken them in. Cotswold Outdoors/Go Outdoors have very helpful staff who can help you choose the right boots.
  • walking socks: 2-3 pairs: A thin liner sock may also help prevent blisters
  • Rucksack: This should be 60-65ltr.
  • Rucksack liner: You can buy “dry sacks” but a good strong bin liner (rubble sack) will do the job.
  • Sleeping bag: A 2-3 season bag, you should be able to get this into your rucksack and still get everything else in as well. One that packs down well and has compression straps would be ideal.
  • Sleeping mat: These will keep you warm and more comfortable (a small travel pillow is also useful)
  • Tent: Fairfax will provide small compact 2-3 man tents. If you wish to take you own it must be checked by D of E staff to make sure it is suitable.
  • Stove: There are lots of different types, but a simple gas stove is small and easy to use. You will only need one between two. You will also need a spare gas canister.
  • Cooking utensils: A pan, mug and “spork” (an all in one knife, fork and spoon)
  • Water bottle: At least 1ltr or a “camel back” type water bladder.
  • Waterproofs: A light but waterproof shell jacket & trousers. It will almost certainly rain at some point during your D of E expeditions.
  • Walking clothes: There are lots of different clothes on the market, but things that are light, comfortable and keep the wind out are the best.
  • First Aid kit: A small kit with some blister plasters.
  • Sun cream: This is absolutely essential. It may well be sunny and you will be out in it for the majority of the day.
  • Torch: Head torches are very useful when cooking and moving around the camp sites, but a hand held torch will suffice. You will need spare batteries just in case.
  • Hat/gloves: The April expeditions may be cold so a thin pair of gloves and a hat will be needed. If it is sunny and for the June/July expeditions a sun hat is essential.
  • Wash kit: Keep it small and light. You can get lots of travel toiletries that are small and therefore easily packed. Small travel towels or “baby wipes” are particularly useful.

The D of E web site has a kit list you can download.

Mr Hobbs’s Top Ten Tips

  1. Don’t take too much stuff: lay out all your kit on the floor a week before you go to camp and each day either take an item out or reduce its size/weight.
  2. Don’t take too much stuff: really cut the weight down, take the packaging off your food. Do you need a plate, bowl, knife, fork, and spoon? You can eat from your cooking pot, use a Spork.
  3. Clothes: one set for walking (both days) just change your socks and underwear. Another clean set for travelling home. Remember you are carrying all your stuff; you can’t leave anything back at camp.
  4. Food: fresh items will go off and tins are heavy and bulky. There are lots of dehydrated or boil in the bag meals available. If you want cereal in the morning pre pack it by putting it in a freezer bag with milk powder and just add water. The same for tea/coffee use powdered milk.
  5. Food: if you want to add some more flavour to your meals take salt/pepper and sauce sachets (the type that you get in fast food restaurants) and add them to your meals.
  6. Sweets & treats: keep some sweets/chocolate at easy reach and treat yourself during the day, it’s a good motivation and a useful form of energy release.
  7. Water: drinks lots, there is no need to take lots of small bottles of energy type drinks. Take a 1-2lt bottle or a hydration bladder; these are good as you can drink on the move and as such drink more during the day. If you want an energy drink use powdered sachets as it will save on weight.
  8. Boots: break them in –  use them as much as possible before you go to camp.
  9. Fitness: go for some walks before camp go out with your group and wear your new boots, walk to school (in your boots), get dropped off away from school and walk.
  10. Have Fun!

On the day of the expedition:

Meet in the gym 8:15am

Coaches leave at 9:00am

Emergency contact number only to be used outside of school hours 07722706299

For any other information please contact reception on 01213781288

Once your Silver award has been completed, you can move onto Gold. This is split into 2 sections Gold Practice in year 12 and Gold Actual in year 13.

Your Volunteering section is 12 months, with your Skill and Physical 12 months for one section and 18 months for the other, you can choose.

Residential. To achieve your Gold Award, you need to complete an extra section – the Residential.  This involves spending 5 days and 4 nights away from home on a shared activity with people you’ve never met before. A Gold Residential proposal must be approved by the D of E manager, Mr Martin, before you can proceed with it.

Expedition You will plan, train and learn all the skills needed to complete a 4 days 3 nights expedition. This will be in North Wales near Dolgellau.

Once you have completed the practice expedition in year 12 you can move onto the assessed expedition in year 13. You will need to continue with the other sections and be ready to complete them before the assessed expedition.

This will again be a 4 day 3 night expedition in North Wales. You will be assessed by an external DofE assessor on all your expedition skills.

Once all this is done you will have completed your Gold Award.

Training: Wednesday lunchtimes and after school in G7

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