Careers Programme Information

Careers information for students

Students can contact our Careers Advisor, Mrs Knowles via email on

Below is a narrated PowerPoint to assist our Year 11 students in their future plans:

Explore your career options at both post-16 and post-18 

Here you will find a series of links that will give you a wide range of information about career options.  Whatever stage of your school life you are at, there is something here for everyone. 

Take a quiz to match you to your ideal job

Pathway Careers Training and Mentoring – Sign up


Message from Pathway CTM:

Our digital programme includes daily webinars, virtual employer events, access to our workshops covering everything from How To Create a CV, to our LinkedIn Masterclass.  Students will be able to attend these live events via phone, tablet or laptop, and will also receive a link to listen to the recording as and when they want.

Further, students will get access to all current Apprenticeship, Sponsored Degree, Work Experience and Internship placement opportunities through our employer network.  Pathway CTM are on-hand to provide coaching support via email and calls for all our students where needed.  

Sign Up To Pathway Careers, Training and Mentorship Service – Pathway CTM



Barclays Life Skills

How LifeSkills can support you right now

The Covid-19 (‘coronavirus’) situation is understandably creating a lot of uncertainty. We want to do all we can to continue supporting learners like you, as well as your parents and teachers.

Despite the challenges we’re all facing, it’s important to use this time to keep building your skills, and there are lots things you can still do to be prepared for the future.

Are you ready to think about the areas you might like to develop in further? Spin the Wheel of Strengths and reflect on not only your skills, but your interests and personality traits, and how to develop them further to support your future.

On the website you’ll find just a few of the interactive tools, films and activities available for you to use from age 14+, right now on your own, with family, or other support to look at how to write a CV, develop skills for the workplace.

You can also sign up for more direct support on the website:

Barclays LifeSkills Young People Hub

Explore roles in the NHS, The Creative Sector, Software Engineering, Engineering & Construction and what impacts the Labour Market 

Post-16 Pathways

Some links are also suitable for Post-18 choices 

Post-18 Pathways

Speak with the staff in the Sixth Form about your options and also visit the dedicated pages for university and apprenticeship support.

Technical Education Pathways 

The Careers & Enterprise Company and AELP have created this resource which will support you in exploring technical training: 

“Technical training gives employees the skills to complete their daily jobs and tasks at work. The technical education system in England offers a range of exciting opportunities, but sometimes it can be tricky to work out which might be the right option to progress your learning and career.
We know you need accurate information about the full range of options, so we have created this guide for you to find out about the different choices available.
It will help you:

  • Find the best option for you using easy-to-follow graphics
  • Show how qualifications sit together
  • Get advice from those who have studied or are studying a qualification that interests you
  • Get a clear concept of a job that interests you, what it involves, and how to get there
  • Find all the links to where you, your family and your careers adviser can find all the information you need”

Just scan the codes or click on the links in the resource below: 


Student Guide to Technical Training

Not thinking of university but want to pursue a degree?

You may be more suited towards a degree apprenticeship.  Take a look here at Prospects to find out more. 


Virtual Work Experience

It is important that you have a good understanding of the world of work and what better way could there be than to try it virtually first.  These links will direct you to experiences beyond the classroom walls. 


When someone in an interview asks you ‘Tell me about your skills’? What can you tell them?  These sites will support you in improving your employability skills

Interview Technique and Support

Have you got an interview coming up? Everyone knows preparation is key, but a lot of us don’t know where to start. The STAR method may help you overcome interview nerves by equipping you with a technique to answer even the most difficult questions.

In this guide, we outline the STAR interview technique and method, including example questions and advice on preparing for an interview.

STAR Interview Method

General information and Resources

What is a CV? 

CV Assistant

To help you with interviews and first time applications that require you to undertake psychometric tests, these links contain useful tools for you.

Practice Cognitive Ability Tests

Practice Aptitude Tests